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The Reaper

2 Shea Fishing & Diving Center  |  Spearfishing  |  Clearwater Florida

Dive into the intense world of Spearfishing in the Gulf of Mexico with 2 Shea Charters. This video provides a glimpse into underwater hunting and real battle zones. Fending off sharks with top-notch gear such as the Shark Shield, being mindful and present in all of your surroundings, concious of what we shoot and more. Sign up for your first spearfishing class today at and become the reaper.

Product Highlights

2 Shea Fishing & Diving Center  |  Huish Outdoors  |  ScubaPro

One of the more practical services we highlight is product and brand features. These videos and clips can be excellent for web content, sales promotions, product reviews, and more. Plus, the brands love to see their gear represented. You can set your shop/charter apart by creating a unique image, experience, and sales path with these features. 

First, we have a walkthrough of the brand-new retail store at 2 Shea Fishing & Diving Center in Clearwater Florida. This video was designed with their website in mind, to feature images of products, the shop, classroom rental and repair facilities and more.

In this video, we have a product feature for the ScubaPro Frameless mask. This was filmed with ScubaPro Platinum Dealer, Trident Adventures, in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii. Although an unintentional video of a mask sinking after it was accidentally knocked off the boat above, this video created a unique opportunity to give a shoutout to a favorite produce and brand, as used by retired U.S. Navy SEALs at Trident Adventures.

Jane Knopf

Underwater Photographer  |  PADI MSDT Instructor

I just wanted to take a moment and brag about my beautiful, smart, and absolutely perfect wife, Jane. She has every bit of talent you could imagine in a person, with brains, and stunningly gorgeous looks to match. I had so much fun making this promo video for her and her underwater photography. Check out some of her work on the Photography page under Bulltooth Media's page.

Bubble Ring Brigade

Meet the Way family. We had so much fun exploring and laughing both above and below the water. They were obsessed with bubble rings and we got to practice together! Check out Dave get a bubble ring faster than I ever could have! I look forward to diving with them again, soon!

The Magic Ring

My good friend, Allejandro Bustillo, back at Trident Adventures is also known throughout the scuba diving community as The Lord of the Bubble Rings. He can create bubble rings in ways we could never imagine. He showed me an invented technique he created using nothing but his dive mask. After months and months of trying, I have finally figured it out. Check out this clip of me making an albeit weak bubble ring seemingly out of nowhere! I hope to make more videos like this over time, especially as I dive into the head of media and marketing for 2 Shea Charters in Clearwater Florida! Stay tuned!

2 Shea Charter: Aero Simulations

Welcome aboard 2 Shea Charters in beautiful Clearwater Florida! I was lucky enough to join the high-flying crew of Aero Simulations on their private scuba charter, courtesy of Keith and TJ. We dove wrecks, reefs, and had dramatic run ins with Goliath Grouper, Hermit crabs the size of my fist, and even sharks!
Thanks for having me, folks! I look forward to diving with you all again soon!

Check out 2 Shea Charters and book a dive or scuba class today!


Roadkill Custom Drum Co. presents:

Roadkill Dinner Jam

We are honored to produce this monthly series highlighting local music in Central Florida. Mark Combs out does himself with high-end cuisine that he creates himself in his to notch kitchen for everyone who attends. Afterwards, they talk music, life, and more before heading into the living room where Roadkill has set up a humble stage with complete sound system and a room full of musical surprises. From custom cymbal lighting decor to tables and furniture created from drums of all kinds. Roadkill Dinner Jams are where it is at! Stay tuned both here, and on Roadkill Custom Drums Co. websites for these monthly releases!


'Who We Are'

Welcome to our premier web series, 'Who We Are', that highlights the staff and crew at Trident Adventures on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. This company is owned and operated by retired U.S. Navy SEALs, and offers fully catered scuba diving and snorkeling adventures. In addition, they also offer live-fire gun training with military experts, hunting for Axis deer on the neighboring island of Lanai, in partnership with The Pineapple Brothers, and most notably, Trident Adventures has a very close bond with Magnum Helicopters to premier a one-of-a-kind experience: Jumping out of a helicopter into the ocean.
Check out this series, as it premiers on their instagram page and on Bull Tooth Media's page starting this fall.

Bull Tooth Media Premier!

Welcome to the beginning of the journey! Check out this sneak peek at some of the scuba diving footage I shot and edited at the begninning of my filmmaking journey is 2022, just off the southern shore of Oahu Hawaii.~