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Finally Home

Finally, we are learning to relax and enjoy our new space. The kids are finding their rhythm, and us adults and setting our feet. We have been having fun, getting reaquainted with our belongings, as we undo the mess that a move creates, and sifting everything out of a literal mountain of boxes and into proper places.
I think the toughest part of this move is how everyone is concerned about everyone else's adaptations. Instead of focusing on what we each need, we are instead focused on what we believe someone else needs. Breaking that cycle is both difficult and oddly guilt-ridden. It can be hard to be told that the thing you are doing out of kindness is doing more harm than good. Especially when you take that long look in the mirror and realize that you have been pushy, despite good intentions.
But as we all breathe a collective sigh of relief, we are finally starting to feel like we are home. Who knows what comes next?

Two-Sides to every Coin

One of the many changes our family has made is a bit of a role-reversal between Jane and I. She is stepping into working towards her own career, including a bigger job, returning to school to finish her degree, and more. In the meantime, I am stepping back from working over-time hours to be more present in family time.
Currently, we are in a stage where Jane is working regularly at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa as a diver, while I am developing my new media brand, Bull Tooth Media. This leads me to be more of the homemaker role, for the time being. As we each adjust and learn to wear the others shoes, we find that each was more difficult than either of us thought it was. This experience has taught us to be more appreciative of eachtoher, to be more patient, and to be better listeners as we set our egos aside and come closer as a team.
The kids are really hitting their stride with Florida life. Boating, spotting gators, learning how to avoid the heat, and even being brave kids and trying new foods. Both boys love the taste of fried gator!
Every day, we are more and more thankful for this move, to be the family that we are, and we are excited to see how we all grow into a better family, together. We have had surprise visits from close friends, family, and we have even started making some new friends along the way. We are excited to see some familiar Hawaiian faces, when they eventually get to venture our way from up north, and we are equally excited at the prospect of road trips up to Georgia, Pennsylvania, and more!
Mom and Dad have been settling as well, going on a church-search, making their space comfortable for themselves, and finding their stride alongside us.
I hope that my next update will have some big news about our primary jobs in diving, as well as some growth news about BTM, and maybe even some news about summer activites for Jace and August. Til next time! ~

ISlands & Swamp Lands 

If you had told me, a year ago, that I was going to leave Hawaii behind, uproot my entire family, and move halfway around the world to live in the swamps of central Florida, I would have called you crazy.
This trip really was quite the endeavor. The process to sort our belongings for the move, the struggle to find a crate big enough for our behemouth of a dog, the price and hoops to ship 2 vehicles completely across the country, not to mention the cost of airline tickets was stressful in and of itself. Then we had to coordinate all of the various timelines so that we had trasportation in Florida, we had a house setup, the animals had their needs met, and the list kept growing and growing. Luckily, for all of us, Jane was an absolute powerhouse and really brought this whole thing together. I cannot imagine attempting this without her hands at the helm.
My parents were also a massive help, through this whole thing. My dad was able to assist with the logistical endeavors, while my mom was a major part of the manual labor, shipping the vehicles, and getting the pets prepared. Wherever you stand with your faith and spirituality, I truly think that God intended for this move to happen for us and provided all of us the tools and strength to make it happen.
As we embark on this new chapter, we will always look back on Hawaii with fondness as we chow down on the foods and company we have missed for so long. ~

Nobody Gets Left Behind       June 13 2023

Joining a pre-started family is difficult enough. Doing it all right on the precipice of the COVID shutdown in Hawaii is a whole other ball game. Now imagine getting married, having a baby, and then moving your family half-way around the world. If it was not for the incredible love, support, and help from our family and friends, this would have never been possible. My step-son, Jace, has been the most accepting and prolific kid I have ever met. August, our youngest, is bold and strong, just like his mother. All of this is only possible by the grace and beauty of my incredible wife, Jane. Being a partner means more to me than support. It means taking life's beatings together. It means suffering together. Everything, together. And Jane does this with such courage that I sometimes wonder how I am keeping up.
This blog will catalog our family as we grow, change, explore, and so much more.